| About Us: Who are the faces behind the Website? Welcome!
Hi everyone, my name is Jeff McCoy and welcome to our website.  Myself, along with my wife Jean, are the faces behind Power-Tool-Pro.com. Jean and I both would like to thank you for taking the time to stop and read about us and how we came to this point in our lives. Since we are giving you our advice, opinions, reviews and ratings on the many power tools that we have featured on our site, we thought it would be fitting that we introduced ourselves to our readers. So...if your interested, we will take you through our journey. About me: I guess I would have to say it all started in November of 1985. That is the year I moved from our farm in Iowa to the fast paced life in Colorado. This is when I picked up a hammer for the first time as a professional in the construction trades and I have never looked back. After spending 13 years building custom homes in and around Colorado Springs, CO. I decided it was time to use my brains instead of my brawn to make money. I enrolled once again in school and earned a degree in Architectural Design and Drafting. Finally... 18 months later after working full-time swinging the hammer and school at night I reached my goal. I was able to put the hammer and saws away and hang out my shingle...I was officially in business for myself designing custom homes. My Wife Jean: Fast forward to 2002..I met the love of my life...Jean. Jean is a Wisconsin farm girl who liked to walk down the tool isle at Sears or Home Depot as much as I did (she was very handy in the workshop as well). She could run a scroll saw and router just as well (if not better) than most guys I knew. I just couldn't resist...I found the girl of my dreams. We spent several years together before finally deciding to pack-up our lives and move from the fast pace of Colorado and back to the Midwest. Here we are...once again...in the small midwest life where we reside in Wisconsin. How We Got Here: What brought us to this website and you to this page about us? Well...starting and running a small business has always been in my nature and character. After closing up shop and moving from Colorado to Wisconsin I was inclined to find a job...and find a job I did...but it just wasn't enough. After LOT'S of trial and error we came across an opportunity that we just couldn't resist...that opportunity was building this website. We found our niche. Something we both have experience with and passion about...power tools. So what you see is our power tool review site. What Does It Mean For You: Our goal is to provide a single destination for our readers to access the necessary information with which to make an informed power tool buying decision. Jean and I have worked with and operated power tools our whole life. I have used them as a professional for years in the construction trade. I work with many professional tradesman each day...drawing off of their experience and opinions as well. We want to put all this experience and knowledge together in one place for your convenience and use. That's it in a nutshell...a pretty big nutshell...but a nutshell nonetheless. Where We Still Want To Go: I think the direction that we want to go as business owners and website owners can be stated best through our mission statement below. Power-Tool-Pro.com Mission Statement: To Honestly and Objectively, Inform, Guide and Help Our Readers Find the Power Tool That Meets all Their Needs in the Workshop and on the Jobsite. From all of us here at Power-Tool-Pro.com we want to say thanks for giving us the opprtunity to introduce ourselves.
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